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Josie's Tap

Our Hours

Mon-Sat: 10am - 1am 
Sun: 12pm - 12am  

1030 E Linn St.
Canton, IL 61520


Our Story

Josie's Tap in the past.The history of Josie’s Tap is extensive as it’s been open for around 35 years. Over the years we've had a few ownership changes. Canton's Parlin-Ingersoll Library has several local reference books (in reference section) with illustrations and information about when and how Josie’s got its start and they can be Found Here. We've always featured in-house restaurant quality food and continure to do so.

Josie’s Tap current owner Ed Seward, has owned Josies for over a decade and with Ed being in the construction business, him and his crews completed renovations on about every part of the building to include;

  • New Kitchen
  • New Walk-in
  • New Roof
  • New Bathrooms
  • New Electrical
  • And more…

What Josie’s has evolved into is one of the friendliest, down home, hospitable and downright fun places to bring family and friends for great food, great service and good times. Check out Our Food to see what we have to offer! We hope to see you soon :)

Ed Seward - Josie's Tap